This page presents the main features of the programme for the summer school gatherings. Summer schools are for all well-wishers of humanity, whether enrolled members of the community, or having their first contact with the community. All video presentations are available for streaming from this page, and also for downloading should summer school organisers require these ahead of time.
To download these videos, select the ‘Watch on YouTube’ option from the bottom menu bar, and select the ‘download’ option direct from the YouTube site. Please note that the files are large and will require time to download.
Please refer to the Resources page to find materials for workshops, children’s classes and junior youth activities.

Video presentations
The plenary presentation videos on the above topics are intended for viewing collectively as part of the summer school programme. These videos will provide the basis for further exploration and reflection by participants in subsequent sessions. Everyone’s contributions to discussions will be encouraged and welcomed.
Plenary video presentations will highlight key aspects of how we can each be practitioners of peace in Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for humanity, the capacity of every individual to contribute to the realisation of this vision, and how communities can release the society-building power of the Faith in ever greater measures in the years ahead.
Note for host Assemblies: When streaming from YouTube, it is important to ensure that the automated captioning (subtitles) feature is turned off before playing these videos, as the captions have been found to contain a considerable number of inaccuracies.
Day One | Constructing a peaceful society
- Oneness of humanity: our highest aspiration
- Essential prerequisites
- Why here, why now? Our window of opportunity
Day Two | Humanity’s coming of age
- How far the world has come
- How far the Bahá’í community has developed
- New thoughts, new habits, new tools fit for the age of maturity
- Traversing the evolving stages of peace
Day Three | Building a refuge for mankind
- Humanity in search of hope and lasting peace
- The Divine Physician and His diagnosis
- Peace and unity as the next stage of evolution
Day Four | Becoming true practitioners of peace
- Fostering an individual attitude and habit of peace
- Collective endeavour to build peace in our community
- Advance in collective consciousness to weave a new pattern of community life