
Summer school event reports and reflections

Items below on this page:

Please contribute your learnings

After the event, all hosts of summer school gatherings are requested to supply information and share reflections. The form below allows you to easily do this online, or you may respond by phoning the National Office (after the new year holidays) on 09-5224123, or you may email the National Office.

The information you provide is highly appreciated as it will help the National Spiritual Assembly’s learning in order to improve future events.

Who should provide reports?

Responses are requested from the representatives of all local summer school “events”, from an individual participating online by themselves to the organisers of a cluster-wide event, and anything in between.

List of questions

If you wish to see the questions before filling in the online form, please scroll down to the list of questions below it. This list is also useful to those who prefer to answer the questions by phone or to via email.

Event report and reflections form

(For example; name of the institution, family, team, neighbourhood, sector or individual who organised this event)
(For example; Bahá’í Centre / rented hall, community centre or similar / private home. Location may be included)
Which phrases accurately describe the event from your perspective? Please tick any that were clear strengths in the eyes of those who attended your event and leave unmarked any that were less significant.

List of questions

If you wish to report by typing your notes into a MS Word version of the “List of questions”, one is available below the pdf presented here.
